There are no currently-scheduled readings forthcoming.

Reading Series
SAFTA also hosts HOLLER SALON, a series of mixed-medium readings, discussion, film screenings, and more at Firefly Farms.
Follow us on Facebook to keep up with future readings and events in the SAFTA Reading Series and details on the Sundress Academy for the Arts workshops and events in the Knoxville area.
Writers from all over the country are invited to visit and read from their work. Past performers have included Ada Limón, Chen Chen, Tiana Clark, Kathy Fagan, Raena Shirali, Ruth Awad, Meghann Plunkett, James Arthur, Emilia Phillips, Karen Skolfield, Jane Wong, Michael Robins, Chad Davidson, Karen Craigo, and Jasmine An.
Due to COVID-19, the Sundress Reading Series has been moved to Zoom. All readings for the 2020-2021 season will be held from 7PM-8PM EST on the final Wednesday of each month. Access the Zoom link at Use the password “safta” for entry.
Member of the Knoxville Arts and Culture Alliance